I’m Lean /liˈan/🔊,
software engineer
who likes making stuff,
code, art, and music.

Nice to meet you.
Please, have a great time.
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Some things I've built


2020 · Interactive language map

A webapp that shows the diversity of languages in the Philippines. Learn about the local languages. Listen to local songs and other media. Made in vanilla JS with D3.js. Passion project.


2019 · Augmented reality generative art

Generative art with extra dimensions. Web-based, uses Vue.js for the generator and a three.js-based mobile webapp for the AR experience. Made for a workplace event.


2021 · Base-builder game

A game about building and defending a fort set in the miniature world of mushroom people. Build defenses against the evil slugs, snails, and other evil critters! Hobby project.

More s/w projects

From the lab

Baybayin calligraphy generator Flowers in simulated watercolour [GPU heavy!] 3D hamburger menu animation Tic-tac-toe AI written in pure CSS. Can you beat a stylesheet? Floridablanca - flow art generator Poetry generator

About me

My name is Lean Rada.

I want to build good things.

My interests are programming, interactive things, procedural animations, algorithms, art, music theory, games, and tech.

Currently working at Canva doing frontend stuff.

More about me.

27 notes 19 projects
my art Manjaro logo

i use manjaro btw.

i'm from the Philippines my music Cat i'm currently based in
Sydney, Australia
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