Thanks for reading! I like making software projects. I also keep a visual & interactive programming blog! Oh, and before you go, sign the guestbook! See you around! —Lean

Made in 48 hours as my entry for the 38th Ludum Dare game jam.
Ludum Dare is a Game Jam (a hackathon for games) held every four months. A theme is announced and participants create a game from scratch in 48 hours.
I used to participate in these LD jams frequently. In LD 38, the theme was A Small World. Immediately after the theme was announced, I went self-brainstorming for game concepts. Fortunately, I settled on an idea before the 12-hour mark.
Missile Command was an arcade game from the ’80s. The usual formula of taking a classic and giving it a twist was not very original, but time was limited. Minus points for Innovation, I guess.
Several hours later, I managed to come up with a working game/prototype.
Hooray! A finished game in exchange for precious hours of sleep!
The game was made with PixiJS, a scene-graph based 2D graphics engine for JavaScript. I’m used to this graphics model since I started programming with Flash.
I initially tried Phaser, but it was too much for my taste. Having found out that Phaser uses Pixi underneath, I went with Pixi. I prefer the simple libraries.
Overall it was an OK game. I think a mobile port would be appropriate, given the simple gameplay and controls.
This game’s source code is available on GitHub. Not the prettiest code. It’s a hackathon!
Thanks for reading! I like making software projects. I also keep a visual & interactive programming blog! Oh, and before you go, sign the guestbook! See you around! —Lean